146: Dec’23: WiML Workshop at NeurIPS 2023 - Improving Influenza Surveillance over Europe using Multilingual Social Media Data – Mishra N, Ballester J, Agerri R - New Orleans, Louisiana, United States.
145: Dec’23: AGU Annual Meeting 2023 - Quantifying the Increase in Probability of Extreme Heat-Related Mortality Events in Europe with Extreme Event Attribution and Epidemiological Methods – Beck TM, Gudmundsson L, Seneviratne SI, Schumacher DL, Achebak H, Ballester J - American Geophysical Union (AGU), San Francisco, California, United States.
144: Dec’23: AGU Annual Meeting 2023 - Over Two-Thirds of the Heat-Related Mortality in Europe duringSummer of 2022 Attributable to Anthropogenic Warming - Beck TM, Schumacher DL, Achebak H, Seneviratne SI, Ballester J - American Geophysical Union (AGU), San Francisco, California, United States.
143: Nov’23: Preparedness, Response, Recovery and Resilience after the COVID-19 Pandemic - Heat and Heat-Health Early Warning Systems - Ballester J – PR3 Hub, Barcelona, Spain.
142: Nov’23: XXIX Jornades de Meteorologia Eduard Fontserè - Temperatura i Salut Humana - Ballester J - Institut d’Estudis Catalans (IEC), Barcelona, Spain.
141: Oct’23: Congreso de la Salud Cardiovascular 2023 - Temperatura ambiental y salud cardiovascular en España - Achebak H, Quijal Zamorano M, Lloyd S, Méndez Turrubiates RF, Rey G, Ballester J - Sociedad Española de Cardiología (SEC), Málaga, Spain.
140. Oct’23: ENBEL2023 Conference on Connecting Health & Climate Change - Ambient Temperature Exposure and Foetal Size, Foetal Growth, and Birth Outcomes in Three European Birth Cohorts – Essers E, Delaney S, Granés L, Petricola S, Ballester J, Anabitarte A, Fernández-Somoano A, da Silva Santos S, Yang T, Ballester F, Jaddoe V, Lertxundi A, McEachan R, Tardón A, Vrijheid M, El Marroun H, Tiemeier H, Iñiguez C, Guxens M - Stockholm, Sweden.
139. ENBEL2023 Conference on Connecting Health & Climate Change - Ambient temperature and cardiovascular-respiratory adverse health outcomes in Spain - Achebak H, Quijal-Zamorano M, Lloyd S, Méndez-Turrubiates RF, Rey G, Ballester J - Stockholm, Sweden.
138: Sep’23: 35th ISEE Annual Conference - Heat Related Mortality Burden during the Record-Breaking Summer 2022 in Europe: An Integrated Continental Analysis - Ballester J, Quijal-Zamorano M, Méndez Turrubiates RF, Pegenaute F, Herrmann FR, Robine JM, Basagaña X, Tonne C, Antó JM, Achebak H - International Society for Environmental Epidemiology (ISEE), Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
137: Sep’23: 35th ISEE Annual Conference - Predictability assessment of the first continental heat-cold-health early warning system: new avenues for human health forecasting - Quijal-Zamorano M, Petrova D, Martínez-Solanas È, Herrmann FR, Rodó X, Robine JM, Achebak H, Ballester J - International Society for Environmental Epidemiology (ISEE), Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
136: Sep’23: 35th ISEE Annual Conference - Temperature related occupational accidents in Spain: socioeconomic drivers of adaptation during the last 3 decades - Vielma C, Achebak H, Quijal-Zamorano M, Méndez Turrubiates RF, Chevance G, Ballester J - International Society for Environmental Epidemiology (ISEE), Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
135: Sep’23: 35th ISEE Annual Conference - Asthma hospitalisations and heat exposure in England: A case-crossover study during 2002-2019 - Konstantinoudis G, Milnelli C, Lam HCY, Fuertes E, Ballester J, Davies B, Vicedo Cabrera AM, Gasparrini A, Blangiardo M - International Society for Environmental Epidemiology (ISEE), Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
134: Sep’23: 35th ISEE Annual Conference - Bayesian-spatial distributed lag non-linear models: A temperature-mortality case study in Barcelona - Quijal-Zamorano M, Martinez-Beneito MA, Ballester J, Marí-Dell’Olmo M - International Society for Environmental Epidemiology (ISEE), Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
133: Sep’23: 35th ISEE Annual Conference - Attribution of extreme heat and heat-related mortality events to climate change in Europe: an integrated age- and sex-specific continental analysis - Beck TM, Gudmundsson L, Seneviratne SI, Schumacher D, Achebak H, Méndez Turrubiates RF, Ballester J - International Society for Environmental Epidemiology (ISEE), Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
132: Sep’23: 35th ISEE Annual Conference - Countrywide analysis of heat- and cold-related mortality trends in the Czech Republic: growing inequalities under recent climate warming - Janoš T, Ballester J, Čupr P, Achebak H - International Society for Environmental Epidemiology (ISEE), Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
131. Sep’23: XLI Reunión Anual de la Sociedad Española de Epidemiología (SEE) - Heat- and cold-mortality associations in Spain: temporal trends and key drivers – Achebak HA, Quijal-Zamorano M, Lloyd SL, Méndez-Turrubiates RF, Rey G, Ballester J - Porto, Portugal.
130. Jul’23: Research on heatwaves and health effects of changes in temperature - Heat-Related Mortality in Europe during the Summer of 2022 – Ballester J - NIHR Centre for NCD in LMIC, MRC Centre for Environment and Health, London, United Kingdom.
129. Jun’23: XIX Conferencia Española y VIII Encuentro Iberoamericano de Biometría (CEB-EIB 2023) - Bayesian-spatial distributed lag non-linear models: A temperature-mortality case study in Barcelona - Quijal-Zamorano M, Martinez-Beneito MA, Ballester J, Marí-Dell’Olmo M - Vigo, Spain.
128. Apr’23: HEI Annual Conference 2023 - Air pollution in relation to COVID-19 morbidity and mortality: a large population-based study in Catalonia, Spain (COVAIR-CAT) - Tonne C, Alari A, Avellaneda C, Ballester J, Basagaña X, Chaccour C, Dadvand P, Duarte-Salles T, Foraster M, Milà C, Nieuwenhuijsen M, Olmos S, Ranzani O, Rico A, Sunyer J, Valentín A, Vivanco R - Health Effects Institute (HEI), Boston, Massachusetts, United States.
127. Apr'23: EGU General Assembly 2023 - Quantifying the contribution of climate change to heat-attributable mortality in Europe: Interfacing epidemiology and Extreme Event Attribution - Beck T, Gudmundsson L, Seneviratne SI, Achebak H, Schumacher D, Ballester J - European Geosciences Union (EGU), Vienna, Austria.
126. Apr'23: EGU General Assembly 2023 - Modelling and prediction of daily, pan-European estimates of PM2.5 and PM10 based on Quantile Machine Learning applied to different mode Aerosol Optical Depth and reanalysis data - Chen Z, Méndez Turrubiates R, Peteti H, Lacima A, Pérez García-Pando C, Ballester J - European Geosciences Union (EGU), Vienna, Austria.
125. Mar’23: CNDS Research Seminar, Extreme Temperature and Public Health - Climate and Public Health - Ballester J - Uppsala Universitet, Uppsala, Sweden.
124. Feb’23: Scientific Days INMA 2023 - Temperature Exposure and Foetal Growth in Three European Birth Cohorts - Essers E, Íñiguez C, Delaney S, Ballester J, Petricola S, Anabitarte A, Fernández-Somoano A, da Silva Santos S, Tardón A, Lertxundi A, Vrijheid M, Ballester F, McEachan R, Jaddoe V, El Marroun H, Tiemeier H, Guxens M - INMA Project, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain.
123. Jan’23: International Technical Meeting - Ozone apportionment of European countries and attributed health impacts - Garatachea R, Achebak H, Pay MT, Jorba O, Ballester J, Pérez García-Pando C – Institute of Navigation, Long Beach, California, United States.
122. Dec’22: Fostering applications on Planetary Health to the Horizon Europe programs - Development, Demonstration and Implementation of Health Early Warning Systems - Ballester J - HERA and ISGlobal, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain.
121. Oct’22: Planetary Health Annual Meeting 2022 - Influences of area-level sociodemographic factors on heat-related mortality in Europe: insights to guide adaptation strategies - Lloyd S, Quijal-Zamorano M, Achebak H, Hajat S, Muttarak R, Striessnig E, Ballester J – Planetary Health Alliance, Massachusetts, United States.
120. Oct’22: GlobeLife Seminar: UN Day Special Climate change and health. What is the role of science? - Climate Predictability, Early Warning Systems and Early Adaptation to Climate Change - Ballester J - Karolinska Institutet and Uppsala Universitet, Sweden.
119. Sep'22: 34th ISEE Annual Conference - Association between high temperature and hospital admissions for kidney diseases: a nationwide study - Gallo E, Achebak H, O'Callaghan-Gordo C, Ramírez O, Ballester J, Basagaña X - International Society for Environmental Epidemiology (ISEE), Athens, Greece.
118. Jun'22: Impacte del Canvi Climàtic en la Prevenció de Riscos Laborals - Sistemes d'alerta primerenca per a prevenir els efectes de les onades de calor i fred - Ballester J - Institut Català de Seguretat i Salut Laboral, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain.
117. Jun'22: Climate Change, Biodiversity, Human Health and Societies: Threats, opportunities and research needs - Climate Predictability and Early Warning Systems - Ballester J - Collège de France, Paris, France.
116. Jun'22: Scenarios Forum - The influence of socio-demographics on heat-related mortality in Europe: towards a model that accounts for social adaptation under the SSPs - Lloyd S, Quijal-Zamorano M, Achebak H, Hajat S, Muttarak R, Streissnig E, Ballester J - International Committee on New Integrated Climate Change Assessment Scenarios (ICONICS), Laxenburg, Austria.
115. Jun'22: HEI annual conference 2022 - Air pollution in relation to COVID-19 morbidity and mortality: a large population-based study in Catalonia, Spain (COVAIR-CAT) - Tonne C, Ranzani O, Basagaña X, Dadvand P, Foraster M, Ballester J, Sunyer J, Nieuwenhuijsen M, Chaccour C, Duarte-Salles T, Avellaneda C, Vivanco RM - Health Effects Institute (HEI), Washington DC, United States.
114. May'22: EUCP Final Meeting - Projections of temperature-attributable mortality in Europe: a time series analysis in 147 contiguous regions in 16 countries - Martínez-Solanas È, Quijal-Zamorano M, Achebak H, Petrova D, Robine JM, Herrmann FR, Rodó X, Ballester J - European Climate Prediction (EUCP) System.
113. May'22: EUCP Final Meeting - Forecast of temperature-attributable mortality at lead times of up to 15 days for a very large ensemble of European regions - Quijal-Zamorano M, Petrova D, Achebak H, Martínez-Solanas È, Robine JM, Herrmann FR, Rodó X, Ballester J - European Climate Prediction (EUCP) System.
112. May'22: EGU General Assembly 2022 - Quantile machine learning models for predicting European-wide, high resolution fine-mode Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD) based on ground-based AERONET and satellite AOD data - Chen ZY, Méndez R, Lacima A, Petetin H, Soret A, Pérez García-Pando C, Ballester J - European Geosciences Union (EGU), Vienna, Austria.
111. May'22: EGU General Assembly 2022 - Garatachea R, Achebak H, Jorba O, Ballester J, Pay MT, Pérez García-Pando C - Foreign and domestic contributions to surface ozone among European countries - European Geosciences Union (EGU), Vienna, Austria.
110. May'22: EGU General Assembly 2022 - Lacima A, Petetin H, Soret A, Bowdalo D, Chen Z, Méndez R, Achebak H, Ballester J, Pérez García-Pando C - Long-term evaluation of surface air pollution in CAMSRA and MERRA-2 global reanalyses over Europe - European Geosciences Union (EGU), Vienna, Austria.
109. May'22: Cross-sectoral ISIMIP and PROCLIAS Workshop - Quijal-Zamorano M, Petrova D, Achebak H, Martínez-Solanas È, Robine JM, Herrmann FR, Rodó X, Ballester J - Forecast of temperature-attributable mortality at lead times of up to 15 days for a very large ensemble of European regions - Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Potsdam, Germany.
108. Feb'22: Emergència climàtica: reptes i propostes per a la ciutat - Canvi climàtic i impacte sobre la salut - Ballester J - Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona (CCCB), Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain.
107. Sep'21: Climate Change and Population Dynamics - Ballester J - Early Adaptation Response to Climate Change: Human Health - International Union for the Scientific Study of Population (IUSSP), Population-Environment Research Network (PERN) and European Association for Population Studies (EAPS), Vienna, Austria.
106. Aug'21: 33rd ISEE Annual Conference - Ellena M, Ballester J, Costa G, Achebak H - Temporal variation in temperature-mortality associations in Turin, Italy: a case of urban maladaptation to heat and cold - International Society for Environmental Epidemiology (ISEE), New York City, United States.
105. May'21: Workshop on Tropical Pacific Observing Needs to Advance Process Understanding and Representation in Models - Petrova D, Ballester J, Koopman SJ, Rodó X - Multiyear Statistical Prediction of ENSO Enhanced by the Tropical Pacific Observing System - US Climate Variability and Predictability Program (CLIVAR), United States.
104. May'21: Emergència climàtica. La ciència respon. Debats científics. Taula rodona: salut i clima - Ballester J - Temperature and Mortality: Climate Change, Mitigation and Adaptation - Institut d'Estudis Catalans, Barcelona, Spain.
103. May'21: IV Encuentro sobre emergencia climática y de salud pública - Ballester J - Temperature and Mortality: Climate Change, Mitigation and Adaptation - Asociación Madrileña de Salud Pública, Madrid, Spain.
102. Apr'21: EGU General Assembly 2021 - Petetin H, Bowdalo D, Achebak H, Soret A, Guevara M, Jorba O, Serradell K, Quijal-Zamorano M, Ballester J, Pérez García-Pando C - Meteorology-normalized impact of COVID-19 lockdown upon NO2 and O3 in Spain - European Geosciences Union (EGU), Vienna, Austria.
101. Apr'21: EGU General Assembly 2021 - Petrova D, Rodó X, Sippy R, Ballester J, Mejía R, Beltrán-Ayala E, Borbor-Cordova MJ, Vallejo GM, Lowe R - The 2018–2019 weak El Niño: Predicting the risk of a dengue outbreak in Machala, Ecuador - European Geosciences Union (EGU), Vienna, Austria.
100. Apr'21: EGU General Assembly 2021 - Quijal-Zamorano M, Petrova D, Rodó X, Martínez-Solanas È, Ballester J - Forecast of temperature-attributable mortality at lead times of up to 15 days for a very large ensemble of European regions - European Geosciences Union (EGU), Vienna, Austria.
099. Jan'21: First European Congress on Kawasaki Disease, EURO-KiDs Hybrid Congress 2021 - Rodó X, Navarro-Gallinad A, Kojima T, Ballester J, Borràs S - Sub-weekly cycle uncovers the hidden link of atmospheric pollution to Kawasaki Disease - Institut Pasteur, Paris, France.
098. Dec'20: AGU Fall Meeting 2020 - Pérez García-Pando C, Achebak H, Petetin H, Quijal-Zamorano M, Bowdalo D, Ballester J - Reduction in NO2-attributable mortality and morbidity due to the COVID-19 lockdown in Spain - American Geophysical Union (AGU), San Francisco, California, United States.
097. Dec'20: 10th International Conference on Children's Health and the Environment - Rodó X, Navarro-Gallinad A, Ballester J, Borràs S - Particulate matter dynamics and chemistry drive Kawasaki disease epidemiology in Japan - International Network on Children's Health, Environment and Safety, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
096. Oct'20: Tipping points, extreme events and uncertainty: How can studying the Arctic help us predict future European climate beyond the mean? - Ballester J - Climate and Mortality in Europe: is Early Adaptation Improving Human Health? - European Bureau for Conservation & Development (EBCD), Brussels, Belgium.
095. Oct'20: Urban Resilience in a Context of Climate Change (URCC) Conference - Quijal-Zamorano M, Ballester J, Marí-Dell'Olmo M - Differences in heat-related mortality between socioeconomic groups at neighbourhood level in the city of Barcelona (1987-2016) - RESCCUE, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain.
094. Oct'20: Urban Resilience in a Context of Climate Change (URCC) Conference - Ballester J - Unravelling the environmental, socioeconomic and demographic drivers of recent trends in human health - RESCCUE, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain.
093. Aug'20: 32nd ISEE Annual Conference - Ellena M, Mercogliano P, Ferracin E, Barbato G, Costa G, Ballester J, Ingole V - Social inequalities differences in the association between summer temperatures and mortality in the city of Turin, northwest of Italy: a distributed lag non-linear time series analysis from 1982 to 2018 - International Society for Environmental Epidemiology (ISEE), Washington DC, United States.
092. Jun'20: Transparència i Crisi Climàtica després de la COVID-19 - Ballester J - Estem prou informats de la crisi climàtica? - Àrea Metropolitana de Barcelona, Agència de Transparència, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain.
091. Jan'20: Societat Catalana de Cardiologia - Ballester J - Temperature, Climate Change, Adaptation and Mortality - Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain.
090. Nov'19: Making Climate Services a Reality in Europe - Ballester J - Modelling Heat Risks with an Urban Climate Model - Africa Museum Conference Centre, Brussels, Belgium.
089. Aug'19: 31st ISEE Annual Conference - Martínez-Solanas È, Petrova D, Rodó X, Herrmann FR, Robine JM, Ballester J - An integrated heat health early warning system for Europe - International Society for Environmental Epidemiology (ISEE), Utrecht, The Netherlands.
088. Aug'19: 31st ISEE Annual Conference - Ingole V, Marí-Dell'Olmo M, Deluca A, Quijal M, Lauwaet D, Gilabert J, Rodó X, Basagaña X, Ballester J - District level spatial variability of heat-related mortality in Barcelona from 1992-2015: a case crossover study design - International Society for Environmental Epidemiology (ISEE), Utrecht, The Netherlands.
087. Aug'19: 31st ISEE Annual Conference - Deluca A, Murage P, Lauwaet D, Sarran C, Ingole V, Quijal M, Rodó X, Ballester J, Hajat S - The Urban Heat Island Effect in London and its Health Impacts: Dynamical and Statistical Urban Scale Modelling Comparison - International Society for Environmental Epidemiology (ISEE), Utrecht, The Netherlands.
086. Aug'19: 31st ISEE Annual Conference - Achebak H, Devolder D, Ballester J - Sex-age trends in heat- and cold-related mortality from cardiovascular diseases in a warming climate: A countrywide time-series study from Spain - International Society for Environmental Epidemiology (ISEE), Utrecht, The Netherlands.
085. Aug'19: 31st ISEE Annual Conference - Ballester J, Achebak H, Herrmann FR, Robine JM, Rodó X - Trends in heat-attributable vulnerability and mortality in Europe: role of macroeconomic growth during the Great Recession - International Society for Environmental Epidemiology (ISEE), Utrecht, The Netherlands.
084. May'19: Plenary session of the Planetary Wellbeing project - Ballester J - Early Adaptation to Climate Change: Current Trends in Temperature-Related Mortality - Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain.
083. May'19: XV Congress on Environmental Health - Marí Dell'Olmo M, Quijal M, Ballester J, Tobías A, Achebak H, and the consortium - Desigualdades socioeconómicas en la evolución de la asociación entre el calor y la mortalidad en la ciudad de Barcelona - Sociedad Española de Sanidad Ambiental (SESA), Valencia, Spain.
082. Apr'19: CED Seminar - Ballester J, Achebak H, Herrmann FR, Robine JM, Rodó X - Trends in Heat-Attributable Vulnerability and Mortality in Europe: Role of Economic Growth - Centre d'Estudis Demogràfics (CED), Bellaterra, Catalonia, Spain.
081. Apr'19: EGU General Assembly 2019 - Petrova D, Ballester J, Jan Koopman S, Bordoni S, Cash B, García-Díez M, Rodó X - El Niño Predictability and The Western Pacific Heat Buildup - European Geosciences Union (EGU), Vienna, Austria.
080. Dec'18: First Global Forum on Heat and Health - Ballester J, Achebak H, Herrmann FR, Robine JM, Rodó X - Recent Trends in Temperature, Vulnerability and Heat-Attributable Mortality in Europe - Hong Kong, China.
079. Dec'18: General Assembly of the PUCS Project - Deluca A, Marí Dell'Olmo M, Ingole V, Quijal M, Ballester J - Heat Health Climate Service for Barcelona and London - Prague, Austria.
078. Nov'18: General Assembly of the Blue-Action Project - Ballester J - Work progress in the Temperature-Related Mortality case study - Almada, Portugal.
077. Nov'18: Demonstration Workshop of the PUCS Project - Ballester J, Marí Dell'Olmo M, Deluca A, Ingole V, Basagaña X, Quijal M, Gilabert J - Heat Health Climate Service for Barcelona - Agència de Salut Pública de Barcelona (ASPB), Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain.
076. Nov'18: Scientific Workshop on Climate Change in Catalonia - Ballester J, Marí Dell'Olmo M, Deluca A, Ingole V, Basagaña X, Quijal M, Gilabert J - Heat and mortality in Barcelona with an urban climate model - Barcelona City Council, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain.
075. Sep'18: 25th European Pediatric Rheumatology Congress - Rodó X, Borràs S, Kojima T, Curcoll R, Ballester J, Moreno T, Matsuki A, Morguí JA, International Kawasaki Disease Consortium - What the Variability and Cycles in Kawasaki Disease are Telling Us on the Nature of this Pediatric Vasculitis - Pediatric Rheumatology European Society (PReS), Lisbon, Portugal.
074. Sep'18: 25th European Pediatric Rheumatology Congress - Rodó X, Boyard-Micheau J, Borràs S, Cayan D, Burns J, Nakamura Y, Sánchez Manubens J, Anton J, Morguí JA, Curcoll R, Ballester J, International Kawasaki Disease Consortium - Worldwide Coherence of Association of Kawasaki Disease to Massive Agricultural Cropland Byproducts - Pediatric Rheumatology European Society (PReS), Lisbon, Portugal.
073. Aug'18: ISES-ISEE 2018 Joint Annual Meeting - Achebak H, Devolder D, Ballester J - Heat-related mortality trends under recent climate warming in Spain: a 36-year observational study - International Society of Exposure Science (ISES) and International Society for Environmental Epidemiology (ISEE), Ottawa, Canada.
072. Aug'18: ISES-ISEE 2018 Joint Annual Meeting - Ballester J, Robine JM, Herrmann FR, Rodó X - The 2008 recession, human mortality and its changing relationship with daily temperatures in Europe - International Society of Exposure Science (ISES) and International Society for Environmental Epidemiology (ISEE), Ottawa, Canada.
071. Jun'18: General Assembly of the PUCS Project - Ballester J, Marí Dell'Olmo M, Ingole V, Deluca A, Quijal M - Heat Health Climate Service for Barcelona - Leuven, Brussels.
070. Jun'18: European Population Conference 2018 - Achebak H, Devolder D, Ballester J - Climate Warming and Summer Heat-Related Mortality in Spain - European Association for Population Studies (EAPS), Brussels, Belgium.
069. Jun'18: AOGS 15th Annual Meeting - Petrova D, Ballester J, Koopman SJ, Bordoni S, Cash B, García-Díez M, Rodó X - The Western Pacific Heat Buildup and Its Effect on ENSO Diversity: Implications for the Timing, Magnitude and Prediction of El Niño - Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS), Honolulu, Hawaii, United States.
068. Apr'18: IASC Workshop on Knowledge Gaps of Cryospheric Extremes - Ballester J - Cold Spells and Human Mortality - International Arctic Science Committee (IASC), Finnish Meteorological Institute, Helsinki, Finland.
067. Jan'18: General Assembly of the Blue-Action Project - Ballester J - Work progress in the Temperature-Related Mortality case study - Bologna, Italy.
066. Dec'17: AGU Fall Meeting 2017 - Ballester J, Rodó X, Robine JM, Herrmann FR - European seasonal mortality and influenza incidence due to winter temperature variability - American Geophysical Union (AGU), New Orleans, Louisiana, United States.
065. Dec'17: General Assembly of the PUCS Project - Ballester J, Dell'Olmo MM, Ingole V - Work Progress in the Health Case Study - Graz, Austria.
064. Nov'17: Climate Services at Work, Projects Exchange and Networking Lab - European Commission, Directorate General for Research and Technological Development, Brussels, Belgium.
063. Sep'17: Stakeholder Mapping Workshop of the PUCS Project - Ballester J, Dell'Olmo MM - Heat Health Climate Service for Barcelona - Agència de Salut Pública de Barcelona (ASPB), Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain.
062. Aug'17: 2017 Community Earth System Model (CESM) Tutorial - National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), Boulder, Colorado, United States.
061. Jul'17: Climate Services Meeting of the Blue-Action Project - Ballester J - The Temperature-Related Mortality Case Study in Blue-Action - Climate Service Center Germany (GERICS), Hamburg, Germany.
060. Jun'17: 21st Conference on Atmospheric and Oceanic Fluid Dynamics - Petrova D, Ballester J, Koopmans S, Bordoni S, Cash B, García-Díez M, Rodó X - Role of the Western Pacific Heat Buildup for the Timing, Magnitude and Prediction of ENSO - American Meteorological Society (AMS), Portland, Oregon, United States.
059. Jun'17: Kick-off Meeting of the PUCS Project - Ballester J - The Temperature-Related Mortality Case Study in PUCS - Antwerp, Belgium.
058. Jun'17: 3rd ECCA Conference - Miller R, Payne M, Kiel K, Kolstad E, Ballester J, Lesser P, Vangsbo P - Translating advances in Arctic climate science to climate services across the Northern Hemisphere - European Climate Change Adaptation (ECCA), Glasgow, United Kingdom.
057. May'17: Impact of Environmental Changes on Infectious Diseases 2017 - Petrova D, Lowe R, Stewart-Ibarra A, Ballester J, Koopman SJ, Rodó X - Long-Lead El Niño Forecasts to Inform Public Health Decision Support Systems: Application to Predict Dengue in El Oro, Ecuador - The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Trieste, Italy.
056. Mar'17: ISGlobal Scientific Seminars - Ballester J - Linkages between climate variability, predictability, impacts and services - Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal), Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain.
055. Mar'17: Copernicus Climate Change Service General Assembly - Deluca A, Ballester J, Lowe R, Rodó X - Shaping the Copernicus Climate Change Service to provide fit-for-purpose information for decision-making for Health - MétéoFrance, Toulouse, France.
054. Feb'17: Fifth International Conference on Climate Services - Petrova D, Lowe R, Stewart-Ibarra A, Ballester J, Koopman SJ, Rodó X - Climate services for the health sector: long-lead El Niño forecasts to predict dengue risk in El Oro, Ecuador - Climate Services Partnership, Cape Town, South Africa.
053. Feb'17: Fifth International Conference on Climate Services - Deluca A, Ballester J, Rodó X, and the SECTEUR consortium - Shaping the Copernicus Climate Change Service to provide fit-for-purpose information for decision-making within the Health Sector - Climate Services Partnership, Cape Town, South Africa.
052. Feb'17: Fifth International Conference on Climate Services - Lowe R, Ballester J, García-Díez M, Creswick J, Robine JM, Herrmann FR, Rodó X - Development of an early warning system for heat wave related mortality in Europe: key outcomes and lessons learnt - Climate Services Partnership, Cape Town, South Africa.
051. Feb'17: Fifth International Conference on Climate Services - Ballester J, Rodó X, Deluca A, and the BLUE-ACTION and PUCS consortia - Forecast Scheme of Temperature-Related Mortality for decision-making in European Regions and Cities - Climate Services Partnership, Cape Town, South Africa.
050. Jan'17: Kick-off Meeting of the Blue-Action Project - Ballester J - The Temperature-Related Mortality Case Study in Blue-Action - Max Planck Institute, Berlin, Germany.
049. Nov'16: 2016 ASTMH Annual Meeting - Petrova D, Lowe R, Stewart-Ibarra A, Ballester J, Koopman SJ, Rodó X - Long-Lead El Niño Forecast Information to Support Public Health Decision Making: Application to Dengue Epidemics in Ecuador - American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (ASTMH), Atlanta, Georgia, United States.
048. Oct'16: MedECC Scoping Workshop - Ballester J - Climate Change Projections and Early Warning Systems of Temperature-Related Mortality - Mediterranean Experts on Climate and Environmental Change (MedECC), Aix-en-Provence, France.
047. Jul'16: Modeling of the Climate and the Relation between Temperature and Mortality - Ballester J - Action Plan to Avoid the Effects of Heat Waves on Health - Agència de Salut Pública de Catalunya (ASPCAT), Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain.
046. Jun'16: Risk Evaluation of the Introduction of the Zika virus in Catalonia - Ballester J - Climate Factors Determining the Spread of the Zika Virus - Institut de Salut Global (ISGlobal), Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain.
045. Jun'16: Kick Off Meeting of the SECTEUR project - Ballester J, Rodó X, Lowe R, Deluca A - Contribution of the Health Sector - University of Reading, Reading, United Kingdom.
044. Jun'16: Health and Climate Colloquium 2016 - Petrova D, Lowe R, Stewart-Ibarra A, Ballester J, Koopman SJ, Rodó X - Long-Lead El Niño Forecast Information to Support Public Health Decision Making - International Research Institute for Climate and Society (IRI), Palisades, New York, United States.
043. Jun'16: 36th International Symposium on Forecasting - Petrova D, Koopman SJ, Ballester J, Rodó X - Improved Forecasting of El Niño-Southern Oscillation with a Novel Structural Time Series Model - International Institute of Forecasters (IIF), Santander, Spain.
042. Apr'16: EGU General Assembly 2016 - Lowe R, García-Díez M, Ballester J, Creswick J, Robine JM, Herrmann FR, Rodó X - Evaluation of an early warning system for heat wave related mortality in Europe: implications for seasonal forecasting and climate services - European Geosciences Union (EGU), Vienna, Austria.
041. Apr'16: EGU General Assembly 2016 - García-Díez M, Lauwater D, Hooybergh H, Ballester J, De Ridder K, Rodó X - Do we need full mesoscale models to simulate the urban heat island? A study over the city of Barcelona - European Geosciences Union (EGU), Vienna, Austria.
040. Apr'16: EGU General Assembly 2016 - Petrova D, Koopman SJ, Ballester J, García-Díez M, Rodó X - Improving the Long-Lead Predictability of El Niño Using a Novel Forecasting Scheme Based on a Dynamic Components Model - European Geosciences Union (EGU), Vienna, Austria.
039. Apr'16: EGU General Assembly 2016 - Ballester J, Bordoni S, Petrova D, García-Díez M, Rodó X - Sensitivity of El Niño intensity and timing to the magnitude of the subsurface heat buildup - European Geosciences Union (EGU), Vienna, Austria.
038. Nov'15: Fall school on Statistical and mathematical tools for the study of climate extremes - Ballester J, Robine JM, Herrmann FR, Rodó X - Long-term projections and acclimatization scenarios of temperature-related mortality in Europe - Institut d'études Scientifiques, Cargèse, France.
037. Oct'15: Inte Seminar - Grossi C, Serrano I, Camacho A, Ballester J, Morguí JA, Rodó X, Duch MA - Analysis of the relationship between climatic phenomena and atmospheric variability of 7Be and 210Pb concentrations in northeastern Spain - Institut de Tècniques Energètiques (Inte), Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain.
036. Oct'15: 1st Ocean2k Workshop - Ballester J - Heat stress, temperature-related mortality and human adaptation - Cosmocaixa, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain.
035. Oct'15: NACLIM General Assembly 2015 - Ballester J, Lowe R, García Díez M, Rodó X - Temperature-Related Mortality: Modelling and Prediction from the Continental to the Urban Scale - NACLIM, Almada, Portugal.
034. Sep'15: EUPORIAS General Assembly 2015 - Lowe R, García-Díez M, Ballester J, Creswick J, Robine JM, Herrmann FR, Rodó X - Evaluating the performance of a mortality model driven by an ensemble of seasonal climate forecasts - EUPORIAS, Winterthur, Switzerland.
033. Sep'15: ENVIRA 2015 - Grossi C, Serrano I, Camacho A, Ballester J, Morguí JA, Rodó X, Duch MA - Analysis of the relationship between climatic phenomena and atmospheric variability of 7Be and 210Pb concentrations in northeastern Spain - IAEA and IUR, Thessaloniki, Greece.
032. Sep'15: 15th EMS Annual Meeting - A study of the Urban Heat Island of Barcelona using a fast urban climate model - García-Díez M, Ballester J, De Ridder K, Rodó X - European Meteorological Society (EMS), Sofia, Bulgaria.
031. Jul'15: Our Common Future Under Climate Change - Ballester J, Robine JM, Herrmann FR, Rodó X - Will climate warming decrease winter mortality in Europe? - ICSU, Future Earth and UNESCO, Paris, France.
030. May'15: Human Health in the Face of Climate Change: Science, Medicine, and Adaptation - Ballester J, Robine JM, Herrmann FR, Rodó X - Long-term projections and acclimatization scenarios of temperature-related mortality in Europe - New York Academy of Sciences, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain.
029. May'15: Human Health in the Face of Climate Change: Science, Medicine, and Adaptation - Ballester J, Robine JM, Herrmann FR, Rodó X - Will climate warming decrease winter mortality in Europe? - New York Academy of Sciences, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain.
028. Apr'15: EGU General Assembly 2015 - Ballester J, Bordoni S, Petrova D, Rodó X - On the relative role of meridional convergence and downwelling motion during the heat buildup leading to El Niño events - European Geosciences Union (EGU), Vienna, Austria.
027. Apr'15: EGU General Assembly 2015 - Lowe R, Ballester J, Creswick J, Robine JM, Herrmann FR, Rodó X - A climate-driven mortality modelling tool for Europe - European Geosciences Union (EGU), Vienna, Austria.
026. Apr'15: EGU General Assembly 2015 - Petrova D, Koopman SJ, Ballester J, Rodó X - Structural Time Series Model for El Niño Prediction - European Geosciences Union (EGU), Vienna, Austria.
025. Apr'15: EGU General Assembly 2015 - Curcoll Masanes R, Rodó X, Anton J, Ballester J, Jornet A, Nofuentes M, Sanchez-Manubens J, Morguí JA - Use of Lagrangian transport models and Sterilized High Volume Sampling to pinpoint the source region of Kawasaki disease and determine the etiologic agent - European Geosciences Union (EGU), Vienna, Austria.
024. Apr'15: CED Seminar - Ballester J, Robine JM, Herrmann FR, Rodó X - Will climate warming decrease winter mortality in Europe? - Centre d'Estudis Demogràfics (CED), Bellaterra, Catalonia, Spain.
023. Jan'15: Fifth Data without Boundaries Training Course - Centre d'Estudis Demogràfics (CED), Bellaterra, Catalonia, Spain.
022. Dec'14: AGU Fall Meeting 2014 - Ballester J, Bordoni S, Petrova D, Rodó X - Ocean-atmosphere mechanisms explaining the heat buildup leading to El Niño events - American Geophysical Union (AGU), San Francisco, California, United States.
021. Nov'14: 2nd International Ocean Research Conference - Petrova D, Koopman SJ, Ballester J, Rodó X - Unobserved Components Time Series Model for ENSO Prediction - Intergovernmental Oceanographic Comission of UNESCO, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain.
020. Apr'14: EGU General Assembly 2014 - Lowe R, Ballester J, Creswick J, Robine JM, Herrmann FR, Rodó X - A decision support service for temperature-related mortality in Europe - European Geosciences Union (EGU), Vienna, Austria.
019. Mar'14: Environmental Science and Engineering Dynamics Group Seminar - Ballester J, Bordoni S, Petrova D, Rodó X - On the equatorial subsurface temperature buildup linking opposite ENSO events - California Institute of Technology (Caltech) - Pasadena, California, United States.
018. Feb'14: Ocean Sciences Meeting 2014 - Ballester J, Bordoni S, Petrova D, Rodó X - On the equatorial subsurface temperature buildup linking opposite ENSO events - American Geophysical Union (AGU), Honolulu, Hawaii, United States.
017. Feb'14: Ocean Sciences Meeting 2014 - Petrova D, Koopman SJ, Ballester J, Rodó X - Forecasting El Niño Using Unobserved Components Time Series Models - American Geophysical Union (AGU), Honolulu, Hawaii, United States.
016. Dec'13: AGU Fall Meeting 2013 - Lowe R, Ballester J, Robine JM, Herrmann FR, Jupp TE, Stephenson DB, Rodó X - A novel visualisation tool for climate services: a case study of temperature extremes and human mortality in Europe - American Geophysical Union (AGU), San Francisco, California, United States.
015. Jan'13: 93rd AMS Annual Meeting - Cayan D, Bainto E, Herzog L, Fabri OA, Uehara R, Burgner D, Ballester J, Rodó X, Burns JC, Tyree M, Paolini J, and the International Kawasaki Disease Climate Consortium - Association of Kawasaki Disease with Tropospheric Wind Patterns - American Meteorological Society (AMS), Austin, Texas, United States.
014. Feb'12: 10th International Kawasaki Disease Symposium - Cayan D, Bainto E, Herzog L, Fabri OA, Uehara R, Burgner D, Ballester J, Rodó X, Burns JC, Tyree M, Paolini J, and the International Kawasaki Disease Climate Consortium - An Apparent Seasonal Cycle in the Occurrence of Kawasaki Disease over the Globe - Hyatt Regency Kyoto, Kyoto, Japan.
013. Mar'11: Workshop on Drought Predictability and Prediction in a Changing Climate - Cosmocaixa, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain.
012. Sep'10: Workshop on Kawasaki Disease - Ballester J, Rodó X - Interannual anomalies of Kawasaki Disease in Japan - Institut Català de Ciències del Clima (IC3), Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain.
011. Jun'10: INSERM Seminar - Ballester J, Rodó X - Projections of Temperature-Related Mortality - Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM), Montpellier, France.
010. Nov'09: Scientific Sessions PRBB - Ballester J, Rodó X - Scenario Changes in European Temperature Extremes - Centre de Recerca en Epidemiologia Ambiental (CREAL), Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain.
009. Aug'09: GFDL Seminar - Ballester J, Rodó X - Scenario Changes in European Temperature Extremes - Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (GFDL), Princeton, New Jersey, United States.
008. Apr'08: Earth System Physics Seminar - Ballester J, Rodó X, Giorgi F - Regional Extremes and Climate Predictability in Europe - The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Trieste, Italy.
007. Mar'08: 4th Workshop on the Theory and Use of Regional Climate Models - The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Trieste, Italy.
006. Jul'07: Transferable and Professional Challenges in Cross-Scientific Global Climate Research, A Summer School for European Research Leaders of the Future - Ballester J - Climate predictability in Europe - Coimbra Group, University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway.
005. Jun'07: WCRP Workshop on Seasonal Prediction - Ballester J, Rodó X, Cash B - Potential sources of seasonal climate predictability in the Mediterranean basin - World Climate Research Programme (WCRP), Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain.
004. Apr'07: EGU General Assembly 2007 - Ballester J, Rodó X, Cash B - Potential sources of seasonal climate predictability in the Mediterranean basin - European Geosciences Union (EGU), Vienna, Austria.
003. Nov'06: New and Re-emerging Diseases, Populations and Climate - Cosmocaixa, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain.
002. May'06: 3rd Workshop on the Theory and Use of Regional Climate Models - The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Trieste, Italy.
001. Mar'06: Jornadas del Ministerio de Medio Ambiente - Ballester J, Rodó X - Generación de escenarios de cambio climático regional - Ministerio de Medio Ambiente, Madrid, Spain.